Inception and midterm workshops
An inception workshop for the entire project was held in May 2009 when the work plans were developed. These were refined in January and September 2010 when the project team met to discuss preliminary findings and how to engage stakeholders further. |
Situation Analysis of AWM technologies
Situation analyses of AWM technologies were conducted in all seven project locations during the period 2009-2010. The purpose of these analyses was to collect background material on the current situation and conditions for AWM in each location, and to identify promising AWM solutions that merit further detailed study. For more on this, see the Situation Analysis Briefs on the relevant documents pages for each country (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Tanzania and Zambia). |
Stakeholder consultations
Meetings and discussions were held with various stakeholders throughout the period 2009-2010. National Stakeholder Consultation Workshops were also held in each country in Africa, and State Consultation Workshops were held in West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh, India. In each of these National and State consultations, the Situation Analysis was reported on, and the participants discussed AWM solutions and prioritized aspects for in-depth studies. For more on this, see the Stakeholder Consultation Workshop Briefs on the relevant documents pages for each country (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Tanzania and Zambia). |
Mapping AWM potential and solutions
The project held workshops with professionals from the agriculture sector to define typologies of livelihoods zones across each of the project countries and states. The typologies are being used to help identify areas where each AWM solution will be most appropriate and have the greatest likelihood of positively impacting smallholder farmers. |
Field and watershed level case studies
Based on the results of the Situation Analyses and stakeholder consultations, the project is carrying out case studies on the opportunities and constraints related to a range of promising AWM solutions. Details of the case studies and their current status can be found on the country update pages for each country (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Tanzania and Zambia). A summary matrix of the case studies is given below. |